
Humble beginnings.

I worked from home this Wednesday, which turned out to be such a beautiful day. I opened all of the curtains and moved our little greenhouses to sit in the sunny back window. I took a peek at the little guys, and was so excited to discover a couple had begun to sprout! I sent a picture to Mike and went back to work. A few hours later, I checked again and they had made even more progress. 

So yesterday I couldn't wait to check on how they were doing after work. We had propped the lid on Wednesday night to improve airflow, and it really helped! The first two pictures are the two different greenhouses on Wednesday and the following two are on Thursday evening! I can't stop using exclamation points! 
I went into this gardening thing with very low expectations. I know they're all pretty far from producing anything, but even this tiny bit of success has me stoked for summer veggies.

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